• Drop #463 (2024-05-10): Everybody’s [Workin|Playin]’ For The Weekend

    Today’s Drop features a new markup language called MinTyML that has been introduced, aiming to simplify HTML coding by providing a more concise syntax and reducing redundancy. It further features Go Katas covering various programming idioms to improve proficiency in Go. And, multiplayer Zork allows playing the classic game with friends for an enhanced experience.

  • Drop #461 (2024-05-07): Typography Tuesday

    Today’s Typography Tuesday edition of the Drops has some font intrigue, improved ways to wield web fonts, and an update to a Drop fav typeface.

  • Bonus Drop #47 (2024-05-05): Publisher DoS Recovery Edition

    The Drop is off of hiaitus! Today, we cover Debian’s efforts to address the “2038 problem” by transitioning to a 64-bit time_t, the benefits of the REST Client extension for VS Codium, and the value of curated, opinionated lists of programming tools and libraries.

  • Drop #459 (2024-04-26): It’s All Fun And Games

    Today’s game-centric Drop features Lantern, Hexcodle, and JS Challenger. Lantern uses JavaScript and D3 for a reimagined Zork I experience, Hexcodle tests RGB knowledge, and JS Challenger provides JavaScript coding tasks for skill improvement and practice.

  • Drop #457 (2024-04-24): Wednesday Wanderings

    It’s been a minute since a proper Wednesday edition was out! Today we cover SkyBridge, a platform connecting Mastodon and Bluesky social media, Scroll as a new language and static site generator, and Pico, a service allowing content publishing without installations using SSH tools (and mroe). SkyBridge centralizes social media, while Scroll and Pico offer…

  • Bonus Drop #44 (2024-04-07): Combined Make-Up Bonus + WPE Drop

    Today’s Bonus + WPE Drop is cull of ctags crunchy goodness. Universal ctags is a tool that generates an index file for programming languages to enable easy navigation within text editors. Geany, an IDE with extensive functionality, showcases the usage of ctags. Quickwit, an alternative tool, allows users to retrieve code-level information from projects using…

  • Bonus Drop #36 (2023-12-16): Knowl-Edge Drop

    The content discusses setting up self-hosted “edge” functions using Deno and Supabase FOSS. It explains the concept of “Serverless Edge” and provides examples of creating random data and placeholder images as edge services. The goal is to inspire and simplify the process of setting up edge microservices.

  • Drop #432 (2024-03-25): Monday Morning Grab Bag

    In today’s Daily Drop, we have the regular Monday grab bag of resources. We highlight Fedica, a platform for posting to Mastodon and Bluesky, the Navy’s Solar Eclipse Computer, and Vanilla Breeze, a tool for converting Tailwind-classed HTML tags to semantic CSS.

  • Drop #431 (2024-03-22): hrbrtips & hrbrtricks

    Today’s Drop shows how to convert data from Postgres to Parquet safely & painlessly, shows how to hack x-callback-urls @ the CLI for inter-app communication on macOS, and enhancing Bash scripts with LLM/GPTs. It emphasizes technical details and tools for each topic, providing insights and tips for data professionals and developers.

  • Bonus Drop #45 (2024-03-17): Command & Conquer: JavaScript Edition

    Today’s Drop discusses the use of Thorium and mprocs for efficient web development, as well as the VS Code remote debugging experience. It emphasizes the importance of using the right tools for productivity and enjoyment. It also provides examples of configurations for different types of projects in VS Code. These tools and practices aim to…