• Drop #460 (2024-05-06): Do You Know The Times

    Today’s Drop discusses Rust-based utilities and a C bundle for handling time at the CLI, highlighting `tu`, `when`, and `dateutils`. `tu` simplifies expressing times and dates in human-readable formats, `when` assists with time zone conversions, and `dateutils` offers a suite of tools for date and time manipulation.

  • Bonus Drop #47 (2024-05-05): Publisher DoS Recovery Edition

    The Drop is off of hiaitus! Today, we cover Debian’s efforts to address the “2038 problem” by transitioning to a 64-bit time_t, the benefits of the REST Client extension for VS Codium, and the value of curated, opinionated lists of programming tools and libraries.

  • Drop #457 (2024-04-24): Wednesday Wanderings

    It’s been a minute since a proper Wednesday edition was out! Today we cover SkyBridge, a platform connecting Mastodon and Bluesky social media, Scroll as a new language and static site generator, and Pico, a service allowing content publishing without installations using SSH tools (and mroe). SkyBridge centralizes social media, while Scroll and Pico offer…

  • Drop #455 (2024-04-22): Monday Morning Grab Bag

    Today’s Drop discusses three spiffy tools: Duckling, neko, and tv. Duckling is a data management app for viewing and querying multiple data sources. Neko is a remote desktop tool for private web browsing and collaborative projects, while tv is a command-line tool for pretty-printing CSV files. Each tool offers unique features for data enthusiasts and…

  • Drop #454 (2024-04-18): Happy ThursdAI!

    Today’s AI-focused edition of the Drop discusses the usefulness of a Rust-based disk-usage tool, dua, for managing space occupied by AI models. It also explores a concerning development where LLM agents can autonomously exploit one-day vulnerabilities and a new experimental extension, DuckDB VSS, that accelerates vector similarity search using DuckDB’s new fixed-size ARRAY type.

  • Drop #443 (2024-04-15): Monday Morning Grab Bag

    Today’s Drop features three different command-line tools: xh, xq, and lowcharts. xh is a modern command-line tool for HTTP requests, xq is a Golang-based tool for XML/HTML processing, and lowcharts is a CLI charting tool for numerical data. Each tool has unique features and use cases for command-line operations.

  • Drop #442 (2024-04-12): Moreutils; Rats in Realtime

    The Friday edition of The Drop features moreutils, a collection of Unix utilities designed to enhance the standard toolset, and Realtime, a platform providing live data visualizations and reports across various topics, including NYC 🐀 sightings. Could be a great source for folks participating in the #30DayChartChallenge.

  • Bonus Drop #44 (2024-04-07): Combined Make-Up Bonus + WPE Drop

    Today’s Bonus + WPE Drop is cull of ctags crunchy goodness. Universal ctags is a tool that generates an index file for programming languages to enable easy navigation within text editors. Geany, an IDE with extensive functionality, showcases the usage of ctags. Quickwit, an alternative tool, allows users to retrieve code-level information from projects using…

  • Drop #438 (2024-04-04): Snow Day Shellmageddon

    Today’s blizzard-proof Drop explores the ‘has’ utility for checking installed command line tools; introduces the ‘w3m’ text-only web browser; and, discusses the use of ‘tmpmail’ for generating temporary email addresses. Stay safe out there New Englanders!

  • Drop #436 (2024-04-01): TUI Trek

    Today’s Drop features three TUI tools aiming to simplify command-oriented operations. “Who Let The Pods Out?” introduced k9s, enhancing productivity in managing Kubernetes clusters. “Lollygagging Pods” highlighted lazydocker for Docker container management. “Git Outta Here” focused on tig for efficient Git repository management, emphasizing its simplicity and effectiveness in handling Git workflows.