• Bonus Drop #49 (2024-05-19): 🦙s All The Way Down

    The weekend Bonus Drop covers various AI-centric tools like llamafile, whisperfile, and Firecrawl. llamafile simplifies the deployment of LLM/GPT models for local use, while whisperfile focuses on converting audio files. Firecrawl is a tool for crawling web content and converting it into Markdown format, and is 100% usable in a non-AI context.

  • Drop #468 (2024-05-17): The One Without A Clever Tagline

    Today’s Friday Drop introduces a tool to “ping” HTTP/3-enabled sites, showcases a partnership miracle between rival tech giants that should help us all be a bit safer in meatspace, and some Rust katas to help learn or reinforce your knowledge of that spiffy language.

  • Drop #465 (2024-05-13): Monday Mid-Morning Grab Bag

    Today’s Drop covers JSContact, RFC 9562, and the impact of AI on our ears and the livelihoods of folks who used to make coin from their voices.

  • Bonus Drop #48 (2024-05-12): Long Form Links

    The Weekend Drop covers three main topics: the challenges of intuitive user interfaces, the history of the hamburger menu icon, and the importance of concise and accessible alt-text for images. Each presents valuable insights into user experience design, user interface history, and web accessibility concerns. The articles provide comprehensive information for designers and developers to…

  • Drop #463 (2024-05-10): Everybody’s [Workin|Playin]’ For The Weekend

    Today’s Drop features a new markup language called MinTyML that has been introduced, aiming to simplify HTML coding by providing a more concise syntax and reducing redundancy. It further features Go Katas covering various programming idioms to improve proficiency in Go. And, multiplayer Zork allows playing the classic game with friends for an enhanced experience.

  • Drop #459 (2024-04-26): It’s All Fun And Games

    Today’s game-centric Drop features Lantern, Hexcodle, and JS Challenger. Lantern uses JavaScript and D3 for a reimagined Zork I experience, Hexcodle tests RGB knowledge, and JS Challenger provides JavaScript coding tasks for skill improvement and practice.

  • Drop #439 (2024-04-08): Late Lecture Links

    This very late Monday Drop notes new (to me) resource called ecosyste.ms, which provides open data and APIs to analyze and secure open-source software. Additionally, a cautionary thread about the “zi” Zsh plugin manager is highlighted, exposing potential security risks and deception. Lastly, VNC Resolver is introduced as a website showcasing insecure VNC servers worldwide.

  • Bonus Drop #44 (2024-04-07): Combined Make-Up Bonus + WPE Drop

    Today’s Bonus + WPE Drop is cull of ctags crunchy goodness. Universal ctags is a tool that generates an index file for programming languages to enable easy navigation within text editors. Geany, an IDE with extensive functionality, showcases the usage of ctags. Quickwit, an alternative tool, allows users to retrieve code-level information from projects using…

  • Drop #435 (2024-03-29): Everything Is Broken

    Today’s (late) Drop (lightly) covers the xz debacle, an event which has caused a major setback in open-source software, raising concerns about security. “likes” provides a decentralized, privacy-focused alternative to traditional social media platforms. Serviceman simplifies running programs as system or user services, while pathman manages the system PATH environment variable across different operating systems…

  • Drop #432 (2024-03-25): Monday Morning Grab Bag

    In today’s Daily Drop, we have the regular Monday grab bag of resources. We highlight Fedica, a platform for posting to Mastodon and Bluesky, the Navy’s Solar Eclipse Computer, and Vanilla Breeze, a tool for converting Tailwind-classed HTML tags to semantic CSS.